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Jaz Rod Introduces The Father of Success | The Father of Success
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Jaz Rod Introduces The Father of Success


Hi, how are all you ‘successists’ doing?

My name is Jahziel Rodriguez, but you can call me Jaz Rod, because we are going to get to know each other as we go through this whole process about how to become successful. We want to start from rags and how to make it to the riches.

I created this website and named it The Father of Success, because my personal story is I really never had a role model; someone that I could look up to that could actually teach me all the things that I had to do in order to be successful. It was a though journey trying to learn everything for myself, everything that had to do with marketing, with setting up business, with registering business and stuff like that.

Now I’m extremely excited to actually get to mention to people all around the world, people that can see this, people that will actually take the value provided and help even more people that want to learn to be successful. The father of success is a place that you can go to ask questions, get answers and most importantly get results.

I believe that together we can grow more than we would have individually.

Coming from nothing

I also share the hunger that all those people feel when they want to grow and succeed.
So I want to start from the ‘nitty gritty’, I want to start from the very bottom; what makes a person successful? Especially, if you don’t have a role model or a source that can actually teach you.

So, what causes a person to become more successful and achieve more?
That’s exactly how we are going to start, so I didn’t want to make this video too over the top. Even though sometimes I have people like “Jaz, let’s do something epic!” Instead I decided to put on a nice shirt and get this out as soon as possible.
I don’t want people saying “Jaz, you already kind of look successful, you already look like you got it.” So I’m telling you, I just put on a nice shirt, a nice suit and I decided to make this video because I wanted to start from exactly how I’m doing it. The purpose is for everyone to follow along so you can experience some sort of success also.

I have a lot of motivational models that I follow like Tony Robins, Brian Tracy and I just got introduced to a guy name Stephan and to his website. I feel powerful as I listen to these guys talk about success, I just feel more ambitious and like I need to go get it. We need to take action. The Father of Success has a key ‘slogan’ or better yet a quote that says: “Action is the father of success. Inspiration the mother.” With inspiration we are getting nurtured until we feel ready enough to take action to deliver action; that’s what we call successful.

I can guarantee, if you talk to a person now a days from the United States and you go across seas and you talk to a person from India or China and you ask them what do they think success is, they will answer you with two different descriptions.

It begins up here in the mind.
It begins with a focus and there is a certain kind of focus needed. You need to align your goals with an action so that you can begin to execute. This is what The Father of Success is all about, this is how we can actually begin from step one, from ground zero and make it to the highest peak we reach for.

What is it that we need to work on to become more successful?

I am going to be extremely transparent with you guys, I’m going to be showing you everything that I do on a day-to-day basis, on a whiteboard I’m actually going to build and show you the rituals that I do every morning.

I always thought to myself when I was younger, “I wish I had a person that could teach me to be successful.” Now I think to myself, “I’m going to stop wishing for that kind of person and I am going to become that person that people wish they had around, that person that you think is successful and is doing something in life. I am going to stop wishing for that person and I am going to start being that kind person.”

After reading hundreds upon hundreds of books and I can’t even begin to tell you how many thousands of hours I listened to Tony Robins speak and Zig Ziggler speak and countless other people speak about self-development and how much that has transformed me in to the person I am so blessed to be.

To give you a little background on me, when I was about 17 – 18 years old I was stuck, I was frustrated, I was working at a restaurant new Year’s eve and I was just coming out of High School and  thought I was going to go out there and rule the world.
I didn’t have any fundamentals on how I could achieve this and the book Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill is one of the actual first fundamental books that put everything into perspective. It integrated everything together for me and I begin to read that book over and over and over wondering what was a mastermind group. I wondered about surround myself with role models and how that would enhance my life.

A lot of people I meet say that they need to find their meaning in life.

You can’t find what your purpose because you are not here to find something. In this world, in this life, we are here to create something.

We are creators.

Think about everything from the suit to the watch you might wear, the video camera that we are recording from, these words, we created this. People like you, people like me, we went out there, we went out in the real world and we created.

There is a lot of things that I just want to you know, watch video and connect with us on Facebook.

“Action is the father of success.”



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