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Emotional Intelligence and how it can help or sabotage you! | The Father of Success
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Emotional Intelligence and how it can help or sabotage you!





Intellectuality and intelligence levels have been a great precursor to human development. With the keen knowledge seeking nature of human conscience firmly at the helm, humans went on a run of growth and development as never seen before.


Remember the stone-age histories that were often taught about in our schools. Imagine the growth curve that allowed humans from stone-age to reach for the stars in the modern day scenario. Surely, it took time, but the human conscience and intelligence were breed within us. It showcases how intelligence played its part in our advancement.


If one were to deduce intelligence further, they would surely extract different aspects of it. One such aspect is emotional intelligence. And that’s what we’re going to decipher in our post today. Read along to know how emotional intelligence can be you friend or foe.

1 Emotional intelligence




We’ve all been taught how everyone is different from others, how perspective changes from one person to another. As such, everyone is entitled to their own opinionated emotions and feelings.


There are different ways to how one can show their emotions. This is where emotional intelligence steps up to the plate. Emotional intelligence can keep your feelings in check.


Emotional intelligence can be simply defined as the capacity to recognize your own feelings and those of others. It works on the basis of incorporating intelligence into emotions to enhance the aspects of life. Emotional intelligence has been associated with interpersonal dynamics where one not only empathize with self-emotions but of others too. The awareness to harness the situations posed around is what emotional intelligence is all about.


Emotional intelligence can pose different end results according to the predicament applied. It can be your make-or-break moment. We’ll look to explore these different aspects further down our blog.



2 Different aspects of Emotional Intelligence



Emotional intelligence can be your friend or foe as to how you integrate it. There are cases where emotional intelligence is ranked higher in requirements of a professional career.

The term emotional intelligence was coined up by scholars but it has proven more so in the business and personal development niche. It’s often stated that success is built upon a firm base of exquisite personal traits such as self-perseverance, skills and quality.  All these are the by-product of emotional intelligence. It won’t take a rocket science to explore that emotional intelligence is a prime factor for success down the lane.


However, emotional intelligence does have the other side of the story to it. Instead of building up a career and moulding success into their track, it can often sabotage the career of a person. There are darker kept secrets to it too.


Emotional intelligence has the power to propel you further forward on your journey or to derail you off your tracks. We’ll look to shed light on both aspects of emotional intelligence on the following headings.



3 How emotional intelligence can help in your success?



Emotional intelligence plays a great role in the success of a person. It is an essentiality for personal growth and enhancement. We’ll let you know how emotional intelligence helps in your success. Just follow the trail.

a) Creates self-awareness

  • Self-awareness brings confident in the status quo of a person. We’ve seen numerous examples of people with high emotional intelligence credited with self-awareness traits.
  • A confident personality can allow a person to follow their intuition and create new ground-breaking innovations to succeed.
  • One of the major traits associated with self-awareness is honesty and it goes a long way in cementing a person’s desire and ambition to succeed.

b) Motivates from within

  • Motivation is one such key aspect of life which allows any person to create a launch pad for success. There are times where motivation can be the only trick which can keep you afloat from drowning in failure.
  • Emotional intelligence is credited with improving motivational levels within a person. High motivational levels increase the productivity and performance of a person.


c) Improves empathy levels

  • Empathy is often termed as one of the most important components of emotional intelligence. Empathy increases the compassion level in a person.
  • Often success knocks on the door of the people who understands the emotional nature of human. The ability to empathize with people on different levels and manage the difficult of situations in the best way as possible is a benchmark of success.
  • Nothing quantifies the sympathy levels in person as the emotional intelligence does.




4 How emotional intelligence can sabotage your career?



Emotional intelligence has always been credited for success and empowerment in one’s life. But there are aspects to emotional intelligence where one might end up sabotaging their career.

We’ll lift the lid on such darker-kept secrets so you can warn yourself before you get on the wrong end of the curve. Read along.


a)Time consuming

  • Whatever we preach about emotional intelligence and its application, it’s not always viable. Learning all the tricks of improving emotional intelligence can take ages for some.
  • In such a scenario, where one devotes time to garner emotional intelligence, but can’t replicate enough of it in their personality, it’s more of a waste of dedication and hard work.

b) Negative viewpoint

  • There are places in the world where emotions need to be kept at bay. There’s no way one can exhibit emotions on any level.
  • In places as such where emotions are discredited, emotional intelligence can be a stressful attribute.
  • One might end up facing a barrage of negative views and might even get ridiculed for their emotional intelligence.

c) Misuse or Misapplication

  • We dealt with the aspect of different people exhibiting different levels of emotions and feelings above, didn’t we?
  • As emotions and feelings tend to vary with people around, the emotional intelligence also seems to be on different levels for different people. Your decision-making procedure based on your emotional intelligence may suit you better but affect others.
  • Your choices can either make others feel inferior or elicit on certain emotional appeals. It’s not necessarily because of one’s faulty behavior but more so of difference in opinions and feedback levels of our emotional intelligence.


So there you go, that’s our rundown on emotional intelligence and different aspects attached to it. Emotional intelligence has the gut to either let you win the world on your own or completely hinder your prospects of definitive success. Treat your fair share to the emotional intelligence and we’re sure you’d end up on the former one than the latter scenario.



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